Yesterday, after my afternoon class, I came outside to find that my car was completely covered in snow, along with everything else! As I made my way to my car, I saw this man who had a towel in his hand, which was covering something. I got to my car and proceeded to try and find something in my car to scrap of the ice, seeing as how I let my mother use my ice scraper and she never returned it. I found a bottle of juice that I was drinking from that morning, and just decided to use that. Well that thing the man's towel was covering, was a camera. He asked me if he could take a picture for the newspaper of me scraping my windows with my bottle of juice. The article came out this morning, and this is what the caption said:
"Ashley Durham, a freshman at the local university uses a empty juice bottle to clean the snow off her windows after class Monday afternoon."I can't help but laugh at this really really hard. First of all, could he not have taken a more unflattering picture? And second, my bottle of juice wasn't empty, it was half full! Third, I'm not a freshmen in college yet. And fourth, I've never seen so much snow in the south in my life!
Haha, anyways. Have a lovely day!
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