2012 Blog Party!

Casey Danielle and Alycia hosted a 2012 New Year Blog Party  that I decided to participate in.

I was paired up with Susan. I have had so much from getting to know more about her via inter-web! When I learned she shares a love of tea with Daniel and I, and co-owns a teashop, I instantly knew I liked this lovely lady! Seriously, Alycia did a wonderful job pairing us up!

What I found in her gift package made my jaw drop to the floor! I mean, seriously, look at these goodies!

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, Susan!! I seriously loved your gifts!

p.s. You can find what I sent her here. The postal service let me down by sending my package half crushed even with big red writing that said FRAGILE on the front of the box. A lessoned learned indeed!


  1. Ashley, look on my blog! Suprise.
    Love, Victoria.

    1. Awe! I'm so glad it finally made it to you!

  2. Soooo glad you liked it! And also so glad that the pot made it in one piece!! :)

  3. I love tea! I haven't really explored new varieties lately, but I really need to. Those teas look delicious. I hope you enjoyed them! :)



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