the way I feel festive.

Truthfully, I'm not completely sold on the idea of not being able to feel cheery about Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving. It brings people together. Why can't I slowly start to put up Christmas decorations, or light the Christmas scented candles already?

Sure, I love the lights, and the all the other decorations. But, it has the wonderful ability to fly in in family members from all of the country to spend the Holidays with you. Or, create a reason for people host festive parties to bring old friends back that you haven't seen in the last year because of your busy lives.

I hate the pressure that is put on family members to buy and spend outrageous amount of money on Christmas gifts. I love the idea of WANT, NEED, WEAR, READ. Something Wanted. Something Needed. Something to Wear. and Something to Read. Four small presents for someone you love. This is something Daniel and I will most likely practice with each other and our children in the future.


  1. I've already decorated my house for Christmas, just haven't put up my tree. It is a lot easier to abide by the after-thanksgiving rule when you celebrate thanksgiving in October ;) One of the awesome things about Canada, haha!

  2. I love your photos and your gift-giving philosophy!

  3. I agree. If I wanna celebrate Christmas beginning in October, SO BE IT. #idowhatiwaaaant ;)

    p.s. i love the idea of want/need/wear/read, it's brilliant.


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