summer has packed her bags.

Our hot and humid days have almost bid their adieu, and will be replaced by the beginning of cool, damp days of Fall. The musky scent of falling leaves and burning tobacco barns will fill the air, a delightful pleasure in the South. You can feel a slight stinging to the skin as the chilly wind whips around and rustles the trees. Fall.

Here are a few blogs you should read this Fall.

Bee always writes the most emotion invoking posts, and her photos are gorgeous!

This blog has the prettiest author!

My sweet German friend, Victoria.

This photo blog is fantastic!

I think teaching in South Korea sounds exciting! Go Janis!

I love this family so much!



  1. Thanks for all the recomendations :)

  2. thank you for linking my blog! i always feel so silly trying to describe how honored i am in this tiny comment box, but it really does mean the world! lovin the other links too!
    thank you Ashley!

  3. Oh my goodness! Thank you for linking my blog!

    xo Victoria. :-)

  4. why thanks! :) it is indeed pretty exciting!


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