10 things: ashley


01. I'm taking a watercolor class this summer.
02. I'm finally getting rid of my silly car, and getting a more sufficient one.
03. I made all A's last semester.
04. Daniel got me the cutest vintage dress from a thrift store.
05. Starbucks passion tea lemonade. What a perfect summer drink.
06. Being able to spend more time with friends due to summer break.
07. Summer break.
08. Good pens.
09. My hair is long enough to put into a small pony tail.
10. Getting a little bit of a tan.


  1. Aw! All of these things are very "Ashley".

  2. I just found your blog and I LOVE it. Spent a long long time reading back in your archive. I have subscribed and will be reading along now! Yay!

    Maddison =)

  3. Lovely blog dear! We are following!

    ~CP & KW, ladiesinnavy

  4. This is the perfect summer list! Especially passion tea lemonade :)


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