polk-a-dots and red ribbon

Like? I just finished the front of my post card invitations!
ahhh! I'm getting ready for the turning point that begins the next stage of my life and ends the one I'm living now. GRADUATION! I'm beginning to make the invitations already, 7 months in advance. It seems so far away, but I've got to give my invitees enough time to make plans to attend since most of them are family that live out of town.
I can't believe it's less than a year away from becoming a actual adult. eep! I get these excited and scared emotions all at once when I think of graduating.

If you've graduated, was graduating a big life changer for you?

Have a good rest of the week!


  1. graduation was definitely a big change for me... and it was hard for a while but now i love being an adult. more responsibilities, but there is also a new sense of freedom! :)

    love the invitations! so cute!

  2. Hi Ashley, I wanted to comment on your Lauren and Ted illustation (so great!) but I'll leave one here instead. Graduation is just another step, embrace what comes after it, it's a wild ride :)

  3. The invitations are to die for!
    Graduation for me was just a baby step for me. So much happens after it. It was the first time I ever really learned what it meant to be "independent". Not quite an adult yet... but learning to be free!


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